Friday, May 21, 2010

Both/ And

My journey to heal the split is both intensely personal and universal at the same time. I see that essential to the human journey is the recognition of our split from Spirit/Source and to find our way to our wholeness, only to recognize that we were never separate anyway. The separation is only an illusion.

So, if it's just an illusion, why do I have to put all this energy and intention into healing something that's not there anyway? Why can't I just step back, or step up, and recall my wholeness right here and now? Why is the split still there like a gaping wound in my belly?

Marilyn Schlitz said in an article in "EnlightenNext" that "we're living in the legacy of the Renaissance and the political deal that was struck at the time, to separate science from the soul...It ultimately created a worldview that separates us from the world."

When I read these words, I knew that my journey home to wholeness in perfectly timed, or perhaps is actually happening, because on a collective level we are beginning to challenge this paradigm and open to the possibility that all is connected and that there is no separation. That science is actually a deeply spiritual practice and exploration, because as Schlitz says, science is "a deep engagement with the mystery of the unknown."

I truly believe that we are all moving from an "either/or" to a "both/and" paradigm. We are BOTH human AND divine; BOTH matter AND consciousness; BOTH masculine AND feminine; BOTH light AND dark; BOTH body AND spirit;BOTH material AND spiritual. This is the meaning of the symbol of the 6 pointed star - as above, so below; as within, so without.

These 2 polarities can actually integrate to create a whole that is more stable and comprehensive than either aspect on its own. 

I actually saw this symbol many times on my pilgrimages last summer.  I woke up this morning remembering that it was a year ago today that I left for Spain and embarked on my pilgrimages.   I am so grateful for these experiences and getting to go.   I know that it is because of those journey that I am here right now engaged in the journey of  "healing the split" and getting to write about it.

At Chartres Cathedral, there were red triangles embedded in the magnificent designs of these huge stained glass windows.  To me, these red triangles were symbols of the divine feminine woven into the more commonly accepted stories of the Church.  When I placed the red triangles with white triangles to form the 6 pointed star, I felt a completion or a sense of wholeness in my body, in my belly.

They say that symbols cut through the layers of our logical mind and speak to us on an archtypal and intuitive level.  They speak to the truth of who we are and allow these deep truths to resonate within our bodies, our cells and our minds.  Those symbols that are created out of sacred geometry can actually re-organize and re-align our neural pathways and re-connect our thoughts and ourselves with our divine nature, and with Source itself.

So take a good look at the 6 pointed star.

I include the following description from to add to your own personal experience of the star.

When two opposing triangles pass through each other we find a beautiful star emerges at the halfway point. Whilst both triangles still retain their individuality, interlaced triangles are seen as a sacred marriage that geometrically produces half-a-dozen offspring. So in one sense we have to look upon the six-pointed star as a creation symbol. Offering a profound meaning for the consciousness of the planet this is a marriage that symbolises a perfect balance of truth. One triangle looks skyward whilst the other looks earthward…”as above, so below” – “as within, so without”.  
Although generally recognised as a symbol of Judaism and the Jewish identity, what’s generally known as “The Star of David” or “Solomon’s Seal”, goes back a lot further. Found within Indian temples that are thousands of years old it was employed as a mandala, but if we look back through ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs it was a sacred symbol that read as “Land of the Spirit”.

So interesting that it read as "Land of the Spirit" - there's Earth and Spirit together, in a co-active relationship.  This is the new paradigm, or perhaps, it's actually the original paradigm that we separated from.  We have had to experience our separateness so that we may come back and appreciate our wholeness.  We have needed the contrast to remember who we really are.  How else can we truly appreciate the truth of our being unless we forget?

La Camina is the journey to heal the split, in our bodies, in our humanness, so that we re-connect and re-align with our divinity.  To walk the pilgrimage of the Celtic Camino is to physicalize La Camina.  We will walk in the "Land of the Spirit" and to embody the 6 pointed star within our bellies. We walk to heal the split for ourselves, for women, for humanity, for Earth, and even for the galaxy.  We are all connected, and what we do for ourselves, we do for all.  The opposites are integrated together to create a magnificent form that honors its parts and at the same time, creates a symbol that is greater than the sum of its parts.


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